Share your knowledge and experience to empower your psychedelic adventures

This page allows you to build a report for every one of your experiences with psychedelics—past and present.

Public Reports contribute to a growing pool of resources and education on real-life experiences with psychedelics.

Private Reports contribute to the first citizen-powered research project focusing on psychedelic experiences—in all the forms they take.

This reporting tool is broken into three parts: Before, During, and After a psychedelic experience. This allows you to plan a session, track a trip while it’s happening, and to assist you in reflecting on past experiences.

These parts are connected by two things: your Name or Pseudonym, and the Title of individual reports. If these fields match in all three sections, they will be combined into a Full Report.

If you choose to make your Report public, they will appear on this page⁠—allowing others to learn from your experience.

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